Unit 2
Standards Used:
Lesson 1: The Lewis and Clark Expedition and the Louisiana Purchase
4.US.1.1 Historic tribes; significance of explorers Lewis and Clark
4.US.1.2 Native American and non-Native American relationships
4.G.1.2 Missouri River
Lesson 2: Meeting the Tribes
4.US.1.1 Historic tribes
4.US.1.2 Native American and non-Native American relationships
4.E.1.1 Bartering; fur trade
Lesson 3: Grasslands; Animals; and Plants
4.G.1.1 Compare region of South Dakota to the United States
4.G.2.1 Settlement patterns of tribes; routes of explorers
Lesson 4: Journey into the Unknown
4.US.1.1 Historic tribes; Lewis and Clark; fur traders
4.G.2.1 Settlement patterns; routes of explorers
Four class periods, thirty minutes each
Lesson 1: The Lewis and Clark Expedition and The Louisiana Purchase
Background Information:
Reading Level measured by the Flesch-Kincaid scale: 4.8
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