Brown, Joseph Epes, ed. The Sacred Pipe: Black Elk’s Account of the Seven Rites of the Oglala Sioux. Civilization of the American Indian Series. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1989. Black Elk records legends about the importance of the buffalo in Lakota religion.
Dary, David A. The Buffalo Book: The Full Saga of the American Animal. Athens: Ohio University Press/Swallow Press, 1989. This source explores the physiology and history of the buffalo in North America.
Dowling, Kim, ed. Buffalo Producer's Guide to Management and Marketing. Fort Pierre, S. Dak.: National Buffalo Association, 1990. A variety of information will interest both potential producers and people curious about buffalo.
Draine, Cathie, ed. Cowboy Life: The Letters of George Philip. Pierre: South Dakota Historical Society Press, 2007. George Philip’s memoirs, written in the form of letters to his adult children, tell of his experiences as a cowboy in South Dakota.
Geist, Valerius. Buffalo Nation: History and Legend of the North American Bison. Stillwater, Minn.: Voyageur Press, 1996. Geist studies the importance of buffalo to several Plains Indian tribes.
Lee, Wayne C. Scotty Philip: The Man Who Saved the Buffalo. Caldwell, Idaho: Caxton Printers, 1975. Lee’s biography details Philip’s interests in preserving the buffalo.
McHugh, Tom. The Time of the Buffalo. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1972. Natural history, adaptations, Indian uses, near-extinction, and restoration of the buffalo are topics covered in this valuable resource.
Mails, Thomas E. The Mystic Warriors of the Plains. Garden City, N. Y.: Doubleday & Co., 1972. The chart of American Indian buffalo uses on pages 190-191 is particularly comprehensive.
One Feather, Vivian, and Gerald One Feather. Lakota Wohilikeegnapi. Pine Ridge, S.Dak.: Red Cloud Indian School, 1972. This curriculum materials resource unit prepared for teaching Lakota children about their culture offers good information about uses of the animal.
Rorabacher, J. Albert. The American Buffalo in Transition. Saint Cloud, Minn.: North Star Press, 1970. Rorabacher covers natural history, significance to Indians, and commercial buffalo production.
Schult, Milo J., and Arnold O. Haugen. Where Buffalo Roam. Interior, S.Dak.: Badlands Natural History Association, 1979. This short pamphlet details the natural behavior of the buffalo.
Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk, ed. South Dakota Geographic Names. Sioux Falls, S.Dak.: Brevet Press, 1973. Sneve lists several towns and geographic features named for buffalo.
Woodhead, Henry, ed. The Buffalo Hunters. The American Indian Series. Alexandria, Va.: Time-Life Books, 1993. This book is a good source for studying the buffalo culture among American Indians.