Berlet, 1987. This installment in the Great Animal Stories Series discusses efforts to save the buffalo. 20 minutes.The Buffalo Still Roam.
People of the Plains. Rainbow Educational Video, 1993. The daily lives of the Sioux before non-Indians arrived are depicted. 28 minutes.
The Return of the Bison. Survival Anglia, 1992. This life history of the buffalo includes footage of the annual Custer State Park roundup. 24 minutes.
South Dakota Outdoor Guide, Segment 211. South Dakota Public Television, 1989. Buffalo management practices at Custer State Park are discussed. 30 minutes.
Tahtonka: Plains Indians Buffalo Culture. Nauman Films, 1966. The importance of the buffalo in American Indian culture is highlighted. 28 minutes. This Dakota Pathways episode explores the relationship between the Lakota Sioux and the bison throughout history. This brief clip shows historic footage of the buffalo roundup at Custer State Park from a 1938 tourism video. This clip features footage from a 1991 roundup at Custer State Park.