Collins, James L. The Mountain Men. New York: Franklin Watts, 1996. Although it focuses on the mountain West, this book gives young readers a flavor of the trapper’s life.

Dolan, Terrance. The Santee Sioux Indians. New York: Chelsea Juniors, 1997. The history of the eastern division of the Sioux is taken up to the present.

Faber, Doris. Calamity Jane: Her Life and Her Legend. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1992. Faber explores the truths and myths surrounding this character and her life in the Wild West.

Freedman, Russell. Drawings by Amos Bad Heart Bull. The Life and Death of Crazy Horse. New York: Holiday House, 1996. This biography of the famous Lakota leader is illustrated with drawings by a traditional Oglala artist.

Iannone, Catherine. Sitting Bull: Lakota Leader. New York: Franklin Watts, 1998. Sitting Bull’s life is explored within the context of Sioux history.

McGovern, Ann. If You Lived with the Sioux Indians. New York: Scholastic, 1992. Children’s questions about daily life among the Sioux—food, clothing, chores, and games—are answered here.

Sneve, Virginia Driving Hawk. The Sioux. New York: Holiday House, 1993. The author explores the traditional beliefs and lifeways of the various Sioux bands.

Veglahn, Nancy. Drawings by Milton Johnson. Follow the Golden Goose. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1970. In this fictional story set in Dakota Territory, a phony gold rush affects the lives of a boy and his father who have just come west.
