https://history.sd.gov/Museum/education.aspx The Museum of the South Dakota State Historical Society offers a variety of education kits on various topics:
Fur Trade in South Dakota
Dakota; Nakota; Lakota Life
South Dakota Immigrants
Mining in South Dakota
https://www.sdhspress.com The South Dakota Historical Society Press publishes and sells a wide variety of South Dakota history-related books.
https://nmnh.typepad.com/rogers_archaeology_lab/2015/02/the-upper-missouri-river-basin-in-the-nineteenth-century-fur-trade.html This essay provides an overview of the Upper Missouri River fur trade in the nineteenth century and includes a further reading list.
http://www.lewis-clark.org/article/2868 Discovering Lewis and Clark summarizes how the fur trade evolved after the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/americanexperience/features/custer-timeline/ PBS's American Experience provides a timeline of the 1874 expedition into the Black Hills.
https://www.nps.gov/libi/index.htm The National Park Service site for hte Little Bighorn Battlefield includes a history of the conflict and a large gallery of relevant photos.
https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/us-history/the-gilded-age/american-west/a/indian-wars This Khan Academy lesson places the Battle of the Little Bighorn in the context of other conflicts between the U.S. Army and American Indians in the West, including a detailed map.
