Unit 6


Standards Used:

Lesson 1: Railroads and the Great Dakota Boom

          4.US.1.1  Railroad expansion and town-building

          4.US.1.2  Population movement and changes

          4.G.2.1  Settlement patterns; town-building

          4.W.2.1  Influx of European cultures

Lesson 2: Town Life and Hard Times

        4.US.1.1  Town-building

          4.US.1.2  Population shift from rural to urban

          4.G.2.1  Settlement patterns; town-building

          4.E.1.1  Agriculture; manufacturing; money

Lesson 3: The Open Range and New Land Openings

          4.US.1.2  Open range vs. homesteaders; farming and ranching issues; East River vs. West River

        4.G.2.1  Settlement patterns and natural resources

          4.E.1.1  Agriculture; money

Lesson 4: Good Roads and High Prices

          4.W.1.1  World War I

          4.E.1.1  Agriculture; industry; money


Four class periods, thirty minutes each

Lesson 1: Railroads and the Great Dakota Boom

Lesson 2: Town Life and Hard Times

Lesson 3: The Open Range and New Land Openings

Lesson 4: Good Roads and High Prices

Background Information:

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Teacher’s Reading List

Student’s Reading List


Reading Level measured by the Flesch-Kincaid scale: 4.8

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