Anderson, William T. Laura Ingalls Wilder: A Biography. New York: HarperCollins, 1992. This biography tells the story of the woman whose pioneer life on the American prairie became the basis for her "Little House" books.
Anderson, William T. Illus. Dan Andreasen. Pioneer Girl: The Story of Laura Ingalls Wilder. New York: HarperCollins, 1998. Beautiful illustrations enhance Anderson’s story of Wilder’s life.
Dolan, Terrance. The Teton Sioux Indians. Junior Library of American Indians Series. New York: Chelsea Juniors, 1995. Dolan gives an overview of important events in the history of the western Sioux to the present.
Johnson, Norma. Chilson’s History of Fort Sisseton. Pierre, S.Dak.: ESCO, 1996. This history for young readers explores the role of Gabriel Renville and Indian scouts at Fort Sisseton.
Rose, LaVera. The People = Oyate Kin. Illus. Barbara Sokolow. Pierre, S.Dak.: By the Author, 1992. This easy-to-read introduction to Lakota culture is written in both English and Lakota.
Stein, R. Conrad. Illus. David J. Catrow III. The Story of Wounded Knee. Chicago: Children’s Press, 1983. The events of the winter of 1890 are covered in words and pictures.
Townsley, Janet Howe. Dakota Dreams: Fannie Sabra Howe's Own Story, 1881-1884. Pierre: South Dakota Historical Society Press, 2003. Like Laura Ingalls Wilder, Fannie Howe and her family homesteaded in Dakota Territory. This book is based on Fannie's diary and tells of their lives in and around the young town of Mellette.