Lesson Two: A New Deal and a New War

Focus Questions:

Imbedded Information in the Student Lesson:

Franklin D. Roosevelt; Civilian Conservation Corps; Stratobowl; Sioux code talkers; Japanese balloon bombs


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Classroom Activities:

     Discuss Second World War rationing and how people had to "make do" with what they had, such as substituting honey in recipes that called for sugar or walking instead of driving because rubber was needed for the war effort (and not for car tires). Then have students create their own Second World War posters around a "making do" or patriotic theme.

     With farmers growing food for American troops and for export to fighting countries, all Americans were encouraged to grow their own vegetables and herbs. They used every available space—backyards, school grounds, and parking lots. Victory gardens produced nearly half of the vegetables that home-front families ate. Students can start their own victory gardens, using a wide-mouth glass jar with holes pounded in the lid. Styrofoam cups would also work. Have the students follow these directions: Add one cup of small gravel to the jar for drainage. Add two cups of potting soil on top of the gravel. Sprinkle herb seeds or a few vegetable seeds in the jar. Cover lightly with dirt. Put the lid on the jar or cover the cup with cellophane wrap. When the dirt is dry, mist it with water. Watch the vegetables or herbs sprout and grow.
